Wedding Preview for Howard and Ines

Here are some of my favoriate shots from Howard and Ines's wedding in Regent Taipei, It was a such a beautiful wedding.

Congratulation to Howard & Ines
Wedding Information

Bride : Ines Huang
Groom : Howard Chin
Photographer : KHC / . Assistant : twilight Wu.
Wedding Planner: Howard & Ines
Ceremony Venue : Regent Taipei
Catering: Regent Tapei
Wedding Dress : Manhattan Wedding
Wedding Candy: Rivon
Ceremonial vehicles : Mercedes-Benz
Wedding Rings: Hearts on FIre
Hair and Make-up : Ada Chang

Together:: Nov 4 , 2007 
Engaged:: Apr 21 , 2012
Wedding:: Oct 27 , 2012










To see more picture ,  Coming Soon.

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